baby paperdenims, true religion for kids, diesel baby denim!
there're other sites with dior baby, chaiken baby, dkny baby, i think there's gucci baby. not available on this site though. if i can find some more cute little adorable pics of the super-high-end baby stuff i will put them up.

kenzo mary janes. actually they don't really look that spectacularly designer.
it must be fun to be apple martin.
that reminds me the other day my mom was trying all sorts of tactics to get me to wake up before 11am. one of the tactics involved looking at the newspaper and going "ooooh jen garner's baby is SO CUTE!" hoping, of course, that the mention of something interesting like 'jen garner' would get me interested in dragging myself out of bed. however, she doesn't seem to realise that i totally keep track of jen garner's life and i'm fully aware that if jen garner's baby were in the paper right now it'd either be a sonogram or a very very premature baby, ie both Not Cute. it's due around Christmas. so that tactic failed, i merely rolled my eyes and went back to sleep for another hour or so.
this nest chair thing is So Cool. it can go from high chair to booster to just a little chair. and it looks totally stylish. like a baby version of a 60s egg chair. sort of.

designer baby stuff is exciting. hahaha when i have kids i hope i have enough money left over after all -my- shopping, to get them some paperdenims as well. that marrying-a-millionaire plan is still in the works :D
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