i have had another looooong day. yesterday i was really long too - we hung around chinatown, which is truly amazing and looks like a different WORLD. then we walked and walked and walked around chinatown trying to find a CAB to go to arab street because i wanted to check out some very cool stores on haji lane, but this was a highly unsuccessful endeavour because of the stupid rush hour, so we finally collapsed into a macdonald's at boat quay, and then finally found the mrt, after which kelly and i hung around in the very crowded orchard area until she decided to head home for dinner, and i got pissed off with the crowds and left with a cute little shrug from F21 which was really cute and terribly pretty, but i ended up returning today because the fit sucked. that's the thing about F21, there's a lot of stuff that looks pretty but the fabric almost always sucks, or the cut really sucks. that cute little shrug was made for someone with no boobs. i don't have huge boobs, but i have boobs. god i cannot believe i just declared that to the internet, but atleast i don't talk about my poop or other bodily excretions.
yeah so that was the shopping part of yesterday. came home with aching feet and neck. the A levels have turned me into an unfit wuss. not that i was a very fit, brave person before, but i was going to the gym on a relatively regular basis. during the entire As which lasted three weeks for little ol' me, i probably went to the gym a grand total of two times.
so then i was planning to sleep really early, but of course the internet happened. and then nasty called from the airport, where she was planning to spend the night all alone. so in a moment of extreme compassion (and a little bit of boredom) i offered to have her over for the night. it was much fun, but of course my plan to sleep before midnight was completely shattered. i think we ended up sleeping closer to 4am.
oh! nasty's Stupid Line of the Day ---
this came after a discussion of how she is sometimes forced to pat jerica to sleep, and then she says "so yeah i just whack her bum" and then i had to ask why on earth she does the patting on her bum instead of a normal place like the shoulder or something. so then she enthusiastically declares "in my family, we do bums!"
she's funny. of course, she was very sleepy when she said that so you must excuse her. she also did the requisite five foot jump into the air when she thought i was about to tickle her, though i probably just MOVED or something. No. Dramatic. Movement. =P
we tried to call shirin at the magic hour of 3am and scare her by shaking a bottle of pills slowly into the phone while Secret Garden played in the background. unfortunately her phone was off.
so we took funny pictures of the dog on my bed.

Judge Dog


russian aristocrat

dog with pancakes on head.

french dog (that's a beret, see.)

this one you're supposed to imagine sort of swinging towards your face. it's a scary experience.

dog? ram? hard to tell the difference!

sassy dog

receding hairline.

feminine and pathetic-looking.

not entirely sure what this is. a sailor, perhaps.
then. today. miraculously, i managed to wake up at 930ish despite sleeping at 4 after a long exhausting previous day. but the prospect of uma thurman and then shopping is highly energising.
so. Prime was very good. really funny in bits, and uma thurman and the guy are unbelievably sexy. the guy had the most amazing body i have seen in ... EVER. and uma thurman -- enough said, right? and the guy was really funny too. and he really reminded me of milo ventimiglia. a taller, even hotter, less mumbling version. but they actually talk with similar accents for some reason, and the humour was similar. and the dancing when he takes her to the kind club he goes to? i have no idea what it's called, but it's kinda hip-hoppy/ghetto-y and it's very very sexy. yeah so that was happiness :)
and then. i blew orchard apart. i am appalled to confess that i have spent hundreds of dollars, and i only WISH i were exaggerating. and to top it off i got myself an atm card today. so... that cannot mean good things =[ i take comfort in the fact that i am owed money by various people. but i'm quite pleased anyway, because i didn't buy anything that i regret buying, unlike that stupid bag i bought yesterday which i really regret because there are so many better bags in the world. anyway i bought another really gorgeous sports bag today. it's basically like a large duffel bag, so i can use it if/when i finally get a yoga membership, or it's even great for travel as a carry-on bag. it's by mahanuala, christy turlington's yoga-ish line with Puma. and the best part? it is SO pretty. yayyy.
and i have new pajamas and make-up and trousers and stuff. happy now :) i have to plan the rest of the shopping trips VERY carefully to make sure i don't go broke. and i should really figure out that getting-a-job thing.
OH! i must mention my total kiddy moment today. there was this sesame street show going on in that big middle place in the taka basement, and they had all the costumed thingies and these people who sang and danced extremely energetically. they were american and really hyper so it might've been actually people from the US or something, like when i was a kid they used to have all these disney shows at orchard and stuff. anyway it was SO CUTE and i was unbearably excited when elmo came out (melmo!) and started singing and was very disappointed when shirin dragged me away before cookie monster appeared. or maybe it was the security guard telling us we couldn't eat there, because we were enjoying our fondant chocolat while watching the show, so we went off to more chocolate-friendly places and missed cookie monster. it was fun and made me crave a trip to disneyworld. my mom refuses to take me again because she says i'm too old and she's bored of disney because she's been so many times, so i guess when i'm older i'll take myself. hee! disney is FUN.
and thennn my dad picked me up (thank god i didn't have to get on a bus with all those bags, or get in a cab and spend MORE money), but i went to the temple. which was quite nice, because i go to the temple so extremely rarely that it sort of feels nice when i do go. plus my dad stopped by mustafa and bought me three movies i'd been wanting. so now i have parineeta! and sholay and roja, which are old movies but both beyond fantastic.
so now, to sleep. am planning to wake up early and head to the botanics with my dad. i hope i actually wake up. and i must shower now, i feel so icked out.
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