I am also liking the 99 Luftballoons tee, but it's this same icky pale blue that I already have Spaghetti Western in, and frankly the colour looks quite horrible on me. spaghetti western and bone gramaphone have both been relegated to the pile of TShirts-I-Wear-To-Bed. bone gramophone's not an icky colour - it's black - but it is unfortunately considered by most to be a rather ugly tee. ah, well. Bone Gramophone, I loved you once. you're cute with pajamas anyway.
aaandddd speaking of clothes, it looks like i'm going to have to seriously stock up on heavy duty winterwear. my uncle dearest has already advised me to go to llbean.com and landsend.com because it's the end of winter and parkas and gloves will be dirt cheap now. i think i'll check out blufly.com as well to see if they have any burberry on the cheap, but i guess it's final and confirmed that the big-ticket expense of the lifetime will be arriving in august/septemberish so perhaps i should be a bit nicer to the parental units.
i skipped work today, ostensibly due to a stomachache but really because i couldn't bear to get out of bed. i finally woke around 1230, had my morning milo with lunch. and i read a magazine -- discovered that skin whitening products are the Big Thing in the beauty industry. a couple of months ago all anybody could advertise was microdermabrasion without the microdermasion. so you had skin refinisher and massage refiners promising the same results as microdermabrasion without the pain and the expense. and now you flip through a magazine and every single big beauty company is advertising whitening/lightening/brightening. from lancome blanc expert to clinique dermawhite to diorsnow pure to chanel blanc essentiel to anna sui whitening intensive to sisley phyto-blanc to SKII whitening source (but ok skII has always advertised whitening etc, to give them appropriate nonbandwagony credit) to elizabeth arden sheer white to estee lauder cyber white to even the body shop's moisture white. that's 9 big beauty companies in one magazine, all with major ad campaigns for Whiteness. or "melanin evacuation" to quote dior. clinique goes so far as to claim that they can turn dark spots into "melanin dust". and chanel promises to put melanin production into a "sleeplike, dormant state" so it'll be as harmless as a dormant volcano. i don't think there's any better evidence of the power of the beauty industry to corner a customer, bombard her with jargon and ensure that she'll leave clutching a hundred dollars worth of products that she's convinced will make her beautiful overnight. ok i know i'm the last person who should be so cynical about this because i could very well be exactly that customer and in fact i'm putting chanel's new foundation down on my list of things right now. but atleast i know that mica and liqourice extract are good for my skintype =]
ok and now i've finished vacuuming my room and clearing cupboard space for my grandparents who are arriving on saturday with 5000 rupees worth of Lush products! i only asked them for 8 things; i am horrified that it came to so much :/ but i am very pleased, one of the products is a chocolate-orange shower gel called Sonic Death Monkey :D thank god for nice-smelling shower gels; if i had given anybody a vacuuming hug earlier (i just had my post-vacuum shower) they would've fainted. and randomly, my house is filled with insects that are taking refuge from the rainy climes outside. i killed a moth on my wall, there was a huge wasp in the dining room that my dad chased away while i cowered inside my room, and there's another moth near the tv area. ick. ok now i have to go wash my hair mask out. today's really the day i did a lot of things i keep telling myself to do but i never get round to. vacuuming was one, clearing cupboards was two, giving hair some much-needed nourishment was three. if only i could've fit in Make Long Overdue Appointment with Eye Doctor, Learn French and Learn to Drive. ok i shall sleeeeep.
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