Wednesday, December 17
ok there's this girl i met in delhi, she's the daughter of one of my mom's old friends. really old, they were neighbours when my mom was about 15. anyway, this girl, the daughter, is 15 years old and super annoying. first of all she has electrocuted hair, and she drools, presumably because she got bitten right on her mouth by a dog. she got bitten because she was smart enough to try and hug some strange dog, and she got stitches all around her mouth, and now she drools and looks like a retard. she isn't mentally a retard though, and i could excuse the disgustingness of the drooling and stuff if she wasn't so damn thick and so damn annoying.

when i was there, she tried to share with me the extremely "large" mp3 collection she has (large being about 200, and i have about 1500, a fact that she and her obnoxious brother wahhhed very loudly at). btw the mp3 collection consists largely of enrique, ricky martin, blue and the like. then i decide that their computer would be a good place to check my mail. and they wahhh again very loudly at how fast i type. and then this girl asks me, "can i add you to msn? we can be friends.. IF you want, that is." who the hell talks like that? i have a feeling she doesn't have many friends. but she has some guy she says is her boyfriend, and he called her up a couple of times when i was there, and both times her brother tried to switch the phone off and pull out the phone line and cackle obnoxiously, and then the both of them would fight physically and furiously right in front of me. anyhow, i had no choice but to say ok, you can add me to msn. and then she asked me whether i would actually talk to her or just ignore her. again i had no choice but to say i'd talk to her.

another thing. their mother is highly diabetic and she's been on the verge of dying several times because she's also kinda depressive and does stupid things like eat two full cans of syrupy cherries at one go, and then almost die and have to have her husband drag her to the hospital. these kids apparently take advantage of the fact that she's weak, and they apparently use her like a punching bag. my mom was almost reduced to tears that her old friend is in this state.

anyhow, since i promised the stupid girl that i'd talk to her, she made me take down her msn contact, and i said that i'd add her (i didn't actually intend to). but then at the last minute she made me tell her my email address, and i just told her. by the time i got to bangalore she had figured out how to spell my email address, and had added me as well as sent me several emails asking about me and my mother and my brother and father and phone number.

and today, she and i had an extremely productive conversation over msn. i swear, she is extremely dense and thick-skinned and all-over annoying. she has my email address and my phone number now, i just hope she doesn't know what my blog url is or she might die of sadness and cause her mother a further heart attack.

(her name's khushnam, and in the parsi tradition of weird surnames such as engineer and contractor, her surname is banker.)

Khushnam says:
hi aparna
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
what are u going
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
what am i going?
Khushnam says:
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
i'm not going anywhere
Khushnam says:
oh so how's your mom
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
she's fine
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
do you like to see pokemon
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
oh do like enrique
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
what about ricky martin
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
not much
Khushnam says:
oh is that so]
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
ok how's dad
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
you want a music website
Khushnam says:
whear you can see your favorate videos
Khushnam says:
oops my mistake
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
you want a music website where you can see your favorate music videos
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
oops ok
Khushnam says:
iam typing like you now days
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
yeah so do you have a boyfriend
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
ok but i do
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
listen whats the code to singupore
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
i have been trying too call for a week
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
i'm not in singapore.
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
i have to go
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
Khushnam says:
Khushnam says:
so soon
cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind says:
i have to go out
Khushnam says:
ok bye bye ta ta take care of you're self