religion is such a damn strange thing. my views aren't shaken at all, but i think i need more evidence. i need to consolidate my opinion, and read more religious stuff and gather information. because i feel very strongly about it but i need to be able to argue my point. hmm. i might have been hanging around consummate debaters a little too long.
had a packed day, saw a play that was absolute shit. barefoot in the park. completely amateur, the casting was terrible, and the acting even worse. neil simon dialogue is never bad, it's in fact brilliantly witty but this play made it absolute cheese. i was cringing at the end. and they had this incredibly clumsy closing of curtains and total darkness for more than a minute, for one of the scene changes after the interval. and the actors had no energy whatsoever, except for the girl. cory or whatever. and her mother. the same expression, kind of an embarrassed/confused frown, on her face throughout the play. and the victor guy could hardly speak english. and they all tripped over their lines a lot. ah well.
my weekend is already gone. tomorrow, drama in the morning. will probably end at around 4 hopefully, or rather i have to go home at 4 because i have to leave for the mtv asia awards at 5. red carpet and vip seats, yay. only i might see salina. eeew. econs nightmares.
i love philosophical discussion, but it's so damn tiring and often so thoroughly pointless. and my brain's too addled right now. and the questioning of moral boundaries is valid, but there are no clear-cute answers, which is expected, but also there are no answers that will make a difference. not to be jaded and cynical, but if we keep questioning what will we have left? the very basis of law and order might as well be nullified. i don't believe in the absolute correctless of the legal system or laws, but there have to be moral boundaries. i'll think of a more coherent argument when i'm less asleep. and my views might change overnight cos rereading what i've said, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. anyway. night.
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