Monday, March 29
i'm increasingly scared that i won't know love when i see it. what an incredibly scary thought. i shall just hold on to hope that since i basically have never fallen in love as yet and everything so far's been purely lust/infatuation, when the 'right guy' comes along i shall know it and it shall be love, and perfect and beautiful.
if there is actually any such thing as a 'right guy' in the first place.
and since i believe that love's basically about companionship or that it's got to begin and end with friendship.. i don't think anybody truly ever meets someone and says "this is The One" and lives happily ever after.
haha maybe one day i'll decide that i love one of my guy friends in 'that way'.
male friends of mine, be afraid. be very afraid.

i just realised that the microcosms that we had, created incredible strange beings out of us.
some things make it so easy to believe in vacuums - poetry. reading in groups by candlelight, talking to girls.

sophia left two hours ago, marking the end of a very fun, very girly weekend. or very fun 24 hours or so. she was here for more than 24 hours actually..
after council interview (which was weird, and i probably shot myself in the foot badly, so don't ask) we went to jelita and blew up tons of money buying food (more than half of which is left over now), and i bought more food and borrowed a video for my little brother, and we got home around 4. and lazed around and sophia annoyed people on msn until claud turned up, and then grace. and we dinnered while grace showered. and yiting came, and after a while vivien, and vivien decided that the dining table was too weird to be gathered around to talk, so we moved to my room. and choon turned up eventually, and we talked and talked and talked and gossiped and speculated and at some point ruth came and then she left and claud left and grace left. at this point i must express my sympathies for grace's neck (she'd strained it doing a 'bathroom trick')- it was amusing in a terrible way, because she kept it sort of leaning to one side, which made her look like even more of a doll than usual. anyway. we talked some more, and ate all manner of unhealthy things and grew fat. and we printed rabbits for my brother, and listened to a lot of music, and then we slept. i made everyone listen to Just Like Honey in the dark, and to BNL, and I fell asleep listening to Rufus after that. Which was very nice. Sophie was up longer than all of us, sitting by her (ie MY) computer. but she slept well, apparently, and she was the most awake in the morning. everyone was freezing by the morning except for choon and me, apparently, because we managed to hog the quilt. and silly vivien went to sleep on the futon-thingy, and didn't even notice that there was a pile of blankets until about 6 in the morning when i heard her saying that she was freezing and informed her about the blankets. And then breakfast, and Yiting left, and then Choon left while we started watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Strangely enough, the pajama party was supposed to consist largely of a girly moviethon, and yet the only movie we watched half of, and that after only 4 people were left, was PotC. We forgot to watch Legally Blonde and Breakfast at Tiffany's, and forgot to pop the popcorn. And after that I had to go for lunch at my mom's friend's place, because all her friends are taking pity on us that mummy's halfway around the world. Although actually I do sort of miss my mummy strangely enough. Daddy not so much cos he's never in town. But I just spoke to my mom a little while ago, and she wanted to go back to sleep but I forced her to talk to me for a long time, even forgetting that I'd left Chit on hold on the other line when I went to take this call. Hee. Maybe cos i was talking about shopping. I don't know why she called when it was 6am there, though. Maybe just to say goodnight to us. How sweet.

Anyway. I left Vivien and Sophie behind, and went off for lunch with my brother. And I played with a very cute 3-year-old. And Viv and Soph watched half of Love Actually i think - or Soph did. Vivien had left by the time I got back home, and Sophie was doing her history stuff. And I fell asleep, then Sophie and I talked more shite to more people on MSN, collapsing in various fits of laughter that had my brother running in repeatedly, wondering what the hell was going on. And then we attempted to do some math, and then some european history. And then we had dinner, and then she realised that it was late, and she left.
All of it was far more interesting and juicy gossip-y than I shall reveal. It was very special. I love the 13A giirls!!!

And just had a much-needed loong conversation with Chit =]

All of the above is a terrible mix of proper capitals and non-capitals. Probably because I've been writing it for the past two hours, while also being on the phone.

I don't wanna go to bed. I haven't done any work. I don't want my wonderful weekend to end.