My idiot brother's found this blog as well.
But I really can't be bothered with changing the address again, even though this probably means that I have to censor myself.
Maybe eventually if I can be bothered I'll change it. And then not save it in my favourites, and delete my history and all that. Every goddamn day, or hour, or something.
And my brother and his friend have hijacked my computer for their i-learning shite, because my brother's computer has conveniently stopped working.
And my parents are out and my brother's already hassling me - telling me to study when I tell him to eat, and switching off the TV three times while I was watching and generally being a total pain in the ass.
I don't care if he reads all this anymore. He can just fuck off if he can't have the decency to leave me alone.
I had other things to say, which I now cannot remember, besides squeeing that Firefly's also on TV now, besides Buffy S7. And nobody told me.
And I forgot to watch America's Next Top Model yesterday.
My brother pisses me off so much.
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