haha last night was fun!
am now blogging and daph's in the shower.
chit's gone off for her newspaper interview =)
hmm.. watched a lot of qaf, and two episodes of buffy and got very freaked out by the scary monsters. i was literally screaming silently (?) when buffy saw the girl-ghost-thing in the mirror. i couldn't say anything for about 30 seconds. especially since i'd been watching by myself at that point, in the dark. i just started screeching after i reached my room, and then daph and chit came and we watched together. and then the two of them went to my room again at some point, and yet again there was a scary monster and i started screaming and they came running. was amusing.
and i fell asleep around 3, chit around 4. and daph around 5 or 6, although she's got a cold and kept saying that she should sleep early. but she's jetlagged, so whatever. but i'm spending the day with her, so i risk having her fall asleep on me.
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