Yayy am finally back from dinner. My brother and I just went down to Holland V first, and walked around and realised that there was in fact another N Indian restaurant there that I had forgotten about - Kinara. So we went there, my brother having miraculously forgotten his desire for Italian food. And we waited for my parents for about 45 minutes, and my dad apparently lost his way another three times or something on the way back, and then couldn't find parking for a while and was in a totally foul mood over the mess of the evening, and was considering driving home, parking and taking a cab back to Holland V to meet us. But he finally did find parking, and managed to enter the restaurant in actually a good mood. Yay! And we all stuffed ourselves until all thoughts of dessert at Haagen Dazs/NYDC flew out of our minds. My dad asked me, when we were leaving the restaurant, if I was still up for a sundae or something. I think I just gave him a disbelieving look. But the dinner was worth the three hour wait. I actually marginally enjoyed the company of my brother while waiting for my parents. Miracles do happen.
I shall worry about Euro Hist position paper for a while before giving in to my headache and heading straight to bed.
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