Tuesday, August 3
Today's been a long day, just like yesterday. But i actually did some math on my own today! I'm completely tired out by everything. Was so lazy i got kel's mum to drop me on holland road, and then took a bus from there - one stop which is easily walkable, but lazy.

Today i was really really sleepy in the morning, although i slept at a relatively early 1am last night. I don't know what was wrong with me, but during Rolly's lecture keeping my eyes awake for more than ten seconds felt like an enormous feat. However, it turned out that at the end of the lecture when I forced myself to keep my eyes open, I was able to wake up considerably. And then I went up to the math LT, fell asleep and only woke up about 45 minutes later when the teachers started walking around to check our work - the new Mrs Ban-esque lecture style. Complex numbers is fairly entertaining. But I vaguely remember that my sleepiness actually began during Purvis's tutorial, after which I dazedly walked to the LT for hist, and I was leaning on the lockers and falling asleep while waiting for the crowd to move, until Blee whacked me. Haha, for once I was more dead to the world than she was. I think this joke's getting old.
Econs was dull as always, but for the first time in weeks I didn't fall asleep. I think I'd had my share of schooltime sleeping for the day already. Did more math during break and english, because the class was rehearsing for the a&c excerpt. And during math I did more math. And then there was math remedial. Really not a very interesting day. But there were moments, none of which I can recall because my days just tend to blend into each other. There are always moments with 13A.

Oh and I have completely no recollection of last Tuesday. If anyone remembers what happened to me on Tuesday, tell me. For now I shall go around reading various blogs of Tuesday to try and jog my memory. It's quite disturbing to not remember a day, and unfortunately I didn't blog on Tuesday, so I have no record of the day! Reason number 1 to blog every day: compensate for my memory loss(es).

Yesterday was a fun day, though, and I shall blog about it before I forget. School was, as usual, dull. Although I amazed myself and everyone else by actually making (intelligent) comments during Rolly's tutorial. Kwok's was, as usual, a joke. Econs - I fell asleep despite Salina and her dangerous mood sitting not two feet away from me. I truly believe that she's given up on me. I don't understand it, but I believe it. It's like faith. Oh and I have a new opinion about Bowling for Columbine - Michael Moore is a snake, and I don't entirely like him and his sort of sensationalisation is not too different from the culture of fear that he talks about, and he stereotypically demonises the white man etc, but 1. I admire his courage, and 2. I believe that it takes some extreme-ness to have your views heard, 3. I agree with him on several issues, even if his manner of doing things is disgusting at times, 4. He's acutely truthful at times. I will look forward to Fahrenheit 911. Has he made anything else besides these two? I think controversial people are terribly fun to analyse.

After school - the stupid dance, which I screwed up at bits, but it didn't really matter because we were just performing for a dozen or so Taiwanese exchange students - it felt quite ridiculous, just this small bunch sitting in the cavernous hall and watching us, and the music too soft but we danced anyway, and made a whole bunch of mistakes but smiled our way through as we always do, and ended to as thunderous a round of applause as a dozen or so people can make. It was quite nice, because I think they really liked it. And they were so interested in knowing more, which is refreshing after Singaporean kids who can't be bothered much with anything. And they made me tie a sari on, and took a bunch of pictures with me, and Michael turned up and took a picture with me in the hot-pink-very-pretty sari. After that, stoning at Ruth's for ten minutes and then cabbing home with Wiggy and Vaish. Kitson turned up shortly, followed by Sophie and Kay Hwee and Chun Long, and Claudia at some point, Choon and her Taiwanese girl, and (very late - after I'd managed to even sleep for half an hour on the couch while watching the rest play Risk) Shoojee and Ruth. Was fun, they were all dined with rasam rice and cabbage and curry and stuff - sorry that it sort of ran out towards the end! My maid clearly underestimated our eating power! After most of them left, it was Kitson, Sophie, Vivien and me left. And oh what a time we had torturing the poor boy. For the record, Kitson's signed a treaty that he will treat 13a to a party with 'suitable and satisfactory' food and entertainment provided, and will treat Sophie, Vivien and myself to a movie. Yay! Kitson finally left, beating the midnight surcharge anyway because his mummy picked him up, and Sophie, Vivien and I went to sleep about an hour afterward. The party wasn't activity-filled but it was fun. And this morning, of course, I was majorly tired.