i had something important to blog but i've forgotten what it was. i learnt a very nice song at music class today. ít's one of the songs i'll be singing at academy day next week. and i should start actually going for the rehearsals. maybe i like the song because it's quite easy. or i learnt it very easily. hm. it's a good raaga.
oh today i got very annoyed listening to the bbc. there's something wrong with the world when every single news item is one depressing event after another. dead children in russia, hurricane frances in florida, french hostages in iraq, iraqrebels iraqbattle iraqbad, and so on and so forth. i was in the car and my dad had the bbc on and i got thoroughly pissed off and switched to one of the music stations. quite an extreme move for me, because the bad music on the singapore stations is almost as depressing. but on the way home 95 was playing thriller, which is actually one of the good michael jackson numbers. and it was in 13 going on 30. i bet that's why it's experiencing a revival. and the saddest part is that thriller isn't even on the soundtrack because the amazing american laws mean that rights to use music in movies are different from the rights to sell the song on a soundtrack or something. whatever. i realised i have quite a bit of affection for early michael jackson.
there are annoying people in the world. i try to do X a favour by warning him about something and giving him some advice, and all he does is act pricey. bitch. i should just not bother in the future. let him face the melodious music. i am sick of dealing with the debris of people's irresponsibilities. you're not the freaking president of the united states, so take yourself and your schedule a little less seriously. i know all about diva behaviour, but there's a limit.
anyway, rp people: tomorrow (monday 6 september), 930am in the concourse for the cleanup. it's very important so you'll need a damn good excuse if you're not going to be there.
ugh i still can't remember the important thought i wanted to blog! i am annoyed. ugh. atleast i have a relevant title for this post. if you want a lesson in irrelevant titles, go read bernasty's latest post on the 1b blog. the whole post is a lesson in irrelevance, really.
i feel like blogging but all the important thoughts are flying out of my head. or have already flown out.
my brother's telling me to put a flower in front of my msn nick, in remembrance of the children who died in russia. it won't bring the kids back, will it? to be cynical, it's just a useless gesture from someone who didn't know the children and who isn't doing anything of practical help to the people who are affected by the tragedy. it doesn't help anyone. but my brother's right i suppose, in that atleast it shows that you give a damn. although, really it only shows it to people for whom it's of no consequence. i have no one on my msn list who's in russia, let alone in russia and affected by the siege. whatever. i feel hypocritical, but i'm just going to jump on the bandwagon and put the flower in. it might help someone somewhere somehow, the good vibrations of all the msn flowers in singapore (if you believe in that sort of thing, which i don't really but i suppose i will if someone proves it to me), who knows.
and the incongruity of our various problems depresses me. here i am, being pissed off at a person who is completely of trivial importance in my life, and there are people in other parts of the world whose houses are being sucked up by tornadoes, or whose children have been killed in some senseless terrorist act. i'm getting sick of terrorism. but then who isn't? besides the terrorists of course. i can't understand violence like this. depressing depressing depressing.
yesterday i was listening to some program about patriotism in america. i think it's admirable, the way americans are patriotic. but something that was largely nonexistent in the program was the way so many americans (the majority, i daresay) are incredibly inward-looking. i can't really remember what else i was thinking about the program, but it was interesting. and yet left me vaguely disturbed. i will try and reconstruct my thoughts and blog about it further at another time. oh there was one thing: loving the country but not loving the government. i was wondering how possible that is. it's quite possible, i guess. but easier in a large country such as america where the people are generally in two extremes: apolitical and very political. i think only 40% of americans vote. no wonder you get such idiots ruling the country.
ok i'm going to go away and do something happy.
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