today i woke up at 11, rudely interrupted in the middle of a very interesting dream where i was led on a hunt across london, and then apparently, madras, with weird culturally-infused clues similar to that in angels&demons or the da vinci code. in fact, it all started with some sort of fine arts rehearsal in some large place, as if academy day hadn't happened yet but the theft of my stuff had already happened so the entire fine arts issue was like a bad taste in my mouth but i was still there, apparently against my will. and then it became that we'd all been kidnapped and kept at the fine arts-rehearsal place which was this large mansion-ish thing with magnificent grounds teeming with guards. then somehow a bunch of us escaped, and there was this building next to it with a curved facade, and it struck me suddenly that it was the round Temple Church - as in the Knights Templar place! Only this building was curved inwards instead of being round but that was of no consequence. And then there was this shout from inside the Church and I got even more excited because it was like a sign or something, and then everyone ran down the road and then suddenly it was India and I got onto this bus (and I've never in my life been on an Indian bus, those things are beyond hazardous) and suddenly my mom and dad were standing in front of me. It's interseting how the weirdest things happen in dreams but you just move on, no questions asked. Anyway then this strange bearded old dude boarded the bus and started babbling something, and I figured out that it was a clue! To go to some ancient library in Madras (Madras is Chennai, btw). I figured out that it was a library, and thankfully my parents pointed out the library to me. And then I went to the library. Oh and it was like a race sort of thing, because there was this other bunch of people who'd been kidnapped and had run away from the Fine Arts mansion with me. And although the old guy'd been babbling at the front of the bus where I was standing, and in fact I don't htink the rest of them were even on the bus, they knew to get to the library and we were all there and started going inside and somehow, i can't remember how, we had another clue which had sometihng to do with water. And my mom said something about 'sathi leelavathi' which in fact is the name of this really funny tamil movie from about ten years ago. the references on this dream are totally weird, because i hate chennai, i've never been on an indian bus and i never watch tamil movies. anyway then my mom started dancing! bharatanatyam! my mom does not dance bharatanatyam in Real Life. anyway apparently there was some famous dance that some famous woman called sathi leelavathi refused to do. and i remember thinking and being surprised that my mom danced quite well. anyway the dance involved moving in a curved line or something, so my mom started at a particular spot and danced until another spot and said that was the spot i had to look at. this was all in the lobby of the library and i was happy that i'd deciphered the clue here (or, rather, my mom did) while the rest of the morons were inside the library. anyway, this spot was a cabinet which i easily managed to tear down - instead of merely opening, i'm not sure why. and there was a laptop. and then i had to do some stuff on it, and halfway through i had a vision of the guy who'd set up the laptop (and therefore the rest of the hunt) and it was this kid a couple of years younger than me whom i'd seen at fine and thought was quite hot considering that the last time i'd seen him before that he'd been very un-hot. i think i told vaish about him. his sister's our age. and then i was sitting at the laptop (the torn down cabinet miraculously turned into a table with a chair) and doing whatever was required. and then i was woken up. damn. it was a really fun dream!
am listening to the rotk soundtrack now. it's not actually a very good thing to study to. cos you start thinking about the movie. after promos we should have an lotr marathon and see who stays awake throuhg the whole thing. i wonder if i can. i'll prep by sleeping a lot the previous day or something. oh no the soundtrack's disturbing cos it's got that scary violin part. ok i'm going to listen to bnl instead. ahhhh old apartment. nice and familiar. bnl is goooooooood for me. plus it's study-able to. eventually all the stuff i ripped from daph's cds will also become familiar and i'll be a good ol' bnl junkie. although i think i already had most of the good stuff.
i also spell interesting wrong, i think. i just reread above somewhere, and it was spelt 'interseting'. lotsa people have told me that the way i spell it makes them think of 'intersecting'.
i didn't do much else today. slept for a couple hours in the afternoon. weekends make me terribly sleepy, despite the fact taht on weekend nights i get about twice as much sleep as on weeknights. i think weekend sleep probably constitutes half the entire week's sleep. am still slogging throuhg a&c although sheepishly i confess that i haven't finished with the introduction yet. i don't know where the day has gone.
i'm begging off all social activities until promos. i need to make this work. just a month more to freedom! c'mon aps, you can do it!
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