Thursday, September 23
i will talk and hollywood will listen.
i'm listening to robbie williams and it's that halfway-through-essay ennui thing, when you feel like you can't be bothered to finish it. and the thing is, i have half an essay in bits and pieces. as in i've written random paragraphs for various parts of the essay, most of which are slightly incomplete thoughts and ideas and i need to add in a lot of detail and piece it to gether. which is annoying. and the bits and pieces are currently about 900 words long. and i have so much more to say. and it's such an interesting question! tragic figure questions are the best.

speaking of which, nancy as a tragic figure -- fascinating, although the terence dawson guy was a bit misguided, i think. ok well i guess it's his opinion and i have to respect that but it was a bit loopholey. although it sparked off a very interesting theory of motherhood. which i need to discuss with purvis and sort of consolidate as an idea, and kel and i actually went to see him and talked a bit, but then he had to leave because mrs perry was giving him a lift. so the only thing attractive about going to school tomorrow is his lecture. and i will take the silas marner talk to a more conducive blog.

have to think about the rgs sell as well, should be fun. all the sex gods, wonder if that's true. mr mcconnell and mr purvis are nice to talk to. am worried. and random.

oh and the whole mid-essay restlessness brings me to another worry: how on EARTH will i survive the history paper? today i wasn't even taking the paper, just observed the j2s taking it, and i was there i guess approximately at the beginning of their paper, and then i was back around there after what seemed like a really long time: long enough to go for a talk, have the rp meeting and so on, and then i pass by the hall and mr rollason's still standing there and what seems like the same group of people is still sitting bent over their desks, and i'm just appalled at the longness of the paper. as kel said, "it's long enough to get deep vein thrombosis, or worse yet, get BORED!" i'm so worried about the latter, because i get SO restless during exams. especially those that require a lot of writing. i'll just dieeee.

i'm so sleepy! but mellim will truly hurl deathrays if i don't hand this in tomorrow... should've started earlier, damnit. and tomorrow i have both pc and history position paper to contend with. i think i'll blueslip home early. anyway i'm actually feeling quite sick, just wanting to go for purvis lecture tomorrow.

ok backkkkkk to essay!