Wednesday, October 13
blah blah blah.

i want sicily by dolce & gabbana - new fragrance, very nice, uncharacteristically subtle.

i want to watch 2046. wong kar wai sounds very interesting. i'm really getting into this chinese movie thing. first it was the flying daggers guy whose name i've forgotten, now this guy.

which reminds me:

i want to find a copy of Hero that has -subtitles-.

i want to watch ballet under the stars. i'm planning on going friday night, who wants to go with me? i think it means skipping some or all of farewell assembly, but i for one don't really care, although saturday evening's also a viable option if farewell assembly's hard to get out of which i suspect it might be as with most school matters.

i want to watch.. vanity fair, de-lovely, spybound, immortal, maria full of grace, the forgotten, sky captain & the world of tomorrow, the motorcycle diaries, and wimbledon (not as much as the others, though).

i want my parents to take me for some of those movies so i won't go flat broke.

i want new music.

i want to buy an ipod.

i want to buy a pair of 300 dollar jeans. i have recently discovered that there's a store at palais renaissance which sells Seven, Earl, Cloth Paper Denim etc. i want to go have a look sometime, and then convince my mother that i -need- a pair. (aparna starts praying fervently that the gods look kindly upon her.) although i'm thinking maybe i should work out some more and develop an ass worthy of those jeans before buying a pair. an ass worthy of those jeans. huh.

i want a lorelai ass. and "those jeans" that were really workin' for her and for Luke were Seven jeans.

i want new clothes. mainly tops. and a new skirt.

i want a new pair of heels. something colourful.

i want to go shopping with my mother.

i want my dvds.

i want my whole bunch of marathons.

i want my halloween bash to be really good.

i want these freaking exams to be over.

i want to pass math, please.

i want my lit S.

that's about all, for my list of waaants.