Wednesday, October 6
ok something expensive but VERY cool. The Importance of Being Earnest! Full British cast, in the Jubilee Hall and the normal tickets are 200 and 180 BUT student discount is quite AMAZING because price is 55 or 65, and I've asked Mrs Perry if we can book through school so when she lets me know I'll pass along the information. Plus 5% discount for British/American Club members and we've got a couple of those so we can use that maybe, and 10% discount if we have 10 or more people.

i was initially thinking mamma mia but i'm not really particularly hot for abba and it looks sort of tacky whereas i looove oscar wilde so i shall not pass up this opportunity. my mom says she'll pay for me, cos she's going with my dad for the private premiere on wednesday which i can't go for due to the unholy history the next day, and she feels bad. (such BAD timing, rumours and this premiere bth during exams.) anyway, point therefore is that as long as i have -some- company i'm fine. i'd like to get the nice 65 tickets though, so if you want discounts drag more people in. in any case, we should book soon!

EDIT: let me know by friday if you want to go, so that i can book tickets. i've already got myself and nasty on the list, and probably shoojee and claud and hopefully kel and i'm counting on that vaish won't pass up this opportunity so about 4 or 5 more to go atleast :) but the more the merrier!