Really good but strange episode of Alias. Aptly named Pandora, but I think the whole thing with Vaughn's dad is a little bit stupid. I shan't say more in case Shooj hasn't finished watching yet. I feel sort of unsatisfied with the episodeeee.
Oh! In about 30 hours, the new GG will be available for download! :):):) it feels like yonks since the last. well, it has been yonks, as hiatuses go. about 5 or 6 weeks, it's been.
And Desp Housewives -- Gabrielle was wearing that Catherine Malandrino dress we saw at the Link show, and which Nadia wore on Alias. Really popular dress, that. God I obsessively notice these things. I think, during Samara, when Vivien was freaking out and I was noticing that she was wearing a jacket like something Lorelai would wear, she got kinda irked with my distractedness. Later on I was doing my fair share of squealing, though.
i'm getting sort of sick of DH. it's getting soapy. Mike's incredibly hot but the lack of information about his past is getting to a weird mix of Alias and Days of Our Lives, which is just so wrong! Gabrielle is gorgeous though. Haha that alliterates rather nicely, doesn't it?
I should get my vcr fixed so i can tape and watch OC instead. but maybe i'll just wait for the DVD. then i can enjoy it properly. since i don't know what's going on with the show now anyway.
Gah. I am absolutely Unable to sleep anytime before 1.30pm since yesterday. Last week it was about 1230. Tomorrow I must really do something to make myself go to bed early.
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