I is confused.
One pair of Seven jeans on net-a-porter.com has three completely different prices listed underneath.
It says:
110 pounds - which is about 330 SGD
165 USD - about 275 SGD
200 Eu - which is a little more than 400 SGD
So which is it? It can't just be some screwed up thing. net-a-porter is an entirely reliable and reputable site. But the prices make very little sense. it's not even a small disparity.
Another thing I don't understand is how some designers can price plain little t-shirts at 200 dollars. Paul&Joe, specifically. An entirely unremarkable t-shirt, made of what seems like ordinary cotton. Ok, so I'm the last person who would underestimate designer appeal and the venerableness of Paul&Joe, but still. 200 bucks seems crazy even to me. I could buy about4 equally nice t-shirts elsewhere for that much. I could buy nicER tshirts at fcuk.
Atleast their make-up is priced decently, and packaged very prettily. Was quite peeved that they had everything except concealer available at the boutique, and was too lazy to walk back to the cosmetics counter at Isetan. So I shall go on Thursday or something. Am concerned, however, that they may not have the appropriate shade because according to sephora.com there are only 3 shades available, and the darkest shade still looks rather light. So it might be racistly uncatering to darker skin, hmph! In which case I shall have to resort to second on my list which I haven't quite decided - it's probably Kiehl's or MAC. Maybe I'll get the Paul&Joe mascara though. Their packaging is too pretty not to buy anything from them. OMG what an incredibly bimbo thing to say. But, really. I looked at the mascara today and it seemed very Quality. Although MAC Zoomlash probably takes the prize for quality, but sleekly modern black packaging gets boring. A girl needs pretty vintagey pots and pastel-coloured tubes. Check them out here.
As you can see, I have taken a sudden raging interest in make-up. I do believe it was my Daisy make-up that led to my recent raging bout of Evil Acne. Ok not raging, but more than usual. So Body Shop concealer is not good - it's decent for dark circles, but it's oily, heavy and pore-clogging - not very suitable for sensitive skin. I definitely need new mascara. The Clinique's gone all clumpy. And my Bobbi Brown shimmer brick compact, according to the website, is too pale for my skin!!! I have pink, but that's for very light to light skin which I failed to note when I bought it =[ I need the bronze brick compact. Oh but the Daisy cast were very sweet and got Stila lip glaze for me and Smriti. Absolutely uncanny, because I was just about getting bored of my MAC tasti tubes and was about to figure out whether I should get a Lancome Juicy Tube or Stila. They solved the problem for me, the lovelies.
And I definitely need a proper foundation. Off-the-counter Maybelline stuff is very cakey and cloggy and horrible and zit-inducing. I want the Stila Tinted Moisturiser, it looks quite perfect. And MAC Studio Tech for stage. But actually I don't know. Because I've done the last drama thingy I'll ever do in RJ, and who the hell knows if I'll continue being involved in theatre later on. So I don't know if I really need a stage-worthy foundation. And I don't ever use foundation except for stage, but the tinted moisturiser is really good though, because it evens skin tone like a foundation, but it also moisturises and has SPF and it's very light so it's basically like a very useful face cream. And it occurred to me recently that if I continue living in Singapore without moisturising my face, one day I'll have the happy fate of both wrinkles and zits.
As for zits, my mom's taking me to a homeopathic dermatologist tomorrow. God that sounds like the worst sort of criminal. Like sociopath and homocidal thingy in one. Homeopathy is some sort of natural medicine I think. A lot of Indians are homeopathy doctors, so it might be an Indian thing. Maybe ayurvedic or something.
Oh and I discovered Body&Soul cosmetics on sephora.com as well -- really pretty packaging too, and they have very desirable products. And then I remembered that I'd seen their products at Sasa once, but then I went to Sasa at Wisma today, and I couldn't find it. Maybe at Holland V. Gah they should just open a Sephora here. They have them in Japan and Korea! Then I could have my Benefit BeneTint and Smashbox blush and Tarte Lip Sheers and Pout Flush Blush andandand everything.
Anyway, shopping/studying at orchard today was quite unsuccessful. Because while trying to shop i was feeling guilty about studying, and then while trying to study i was thinking about shopping. But I did some math. And all I've bought since last week is... 3 pairs of earrings and a DVD. Which reminds me, Shanghai people return this week, hopefully Wiggy has lots of DVDs for me! yayyy.
And the next time i study at orchard, it better be the -other- side of orchard. the non-wisma side. Because wisma's got too many shops that i like. too heavenly and distracting. anyway, i need new jeans. Okok, i -want- new jeans. Must go shopping with my mom. Especially because my abercrombies have been washed twice and there're still brownish patches of brown in strategic locations like the bum area. Maybe i'll take them with me to school on Thursday and scrub them with thinner while the rest scrub Booth's shoe rack. But anyway it's time I bought new jeans. Though the abundance of gorgeous skirts around has made me frustrated trying to decide if I should buy a skirt instead. Like the ultra-beautiful silk skirt at Country Road, which is about $280. My mom was equally entranced by it and offered to buy it for me instead of new jeans, but I have to Think. I'm overall more of a jeans person, and though I have a lot of jeans I actually do wear them a lot, whereas one luxe silk/chiffon skirt I will wear about twice a year at most. And if I take it to university with me I wouldn't know how to take good care of it, because it's really delicate chiffon and all. So I reluctantly let that go. But then today I see a skirt at FCUK, which is a lot more fun and wearable and about half the price, but then it makes my ass look big from some angles and so I pull my jeans back on and feel happy about my ass again. So I think I might settle for jeans after all.
Sigh I'm getting tired. I've been blogging bits and pieces of this post over the past three hours since I got home. So it's turned into a disjointed, fashion-oriented, stream-of-consciousnessy weirdo post.
BTW, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is disappointing. they messed around with the story quite a bit, and added a lot of gratuitous humour. which is odd because they cut out a lot of details, presumably because they couldn't fit them in. yet they had time to add in slapstick scenes (literally, there's a scene with spatula-like things jumping out of the ground and slapping people on the face). it was the wrong kind of humour - like kitson said, it doesn't approach the wit of the book itself. i hate book-to-film translations that are disappointing.
But then I've lately become very critical of films. I hated Monster-in-Law, but most other people seemed to like it quite a bit. And I think if I hadn't already read Hitchhiker's, I might've enjoyed the film's humour more. But then my mom, who hasn't read the book, found the film thoroughly boring and ridiculous. My mom's got weird taste in films though so it she may not be a reliable gauge either. The audience laughed quite a reasonable amount, so maybe it was enjoyed.
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