the weather is un-fucking-believable.
afternoon: parents were having a lunch party, with the (insufferable) people we're going to tioman with. (save me!) food was v good though, my mother outdid herself today. however the people were insufferable and boring so (thankfully) i had advance permission from the parentals, to stay in room and (ostensibly) study but since everybody was too busy to actually check on me, i just stoned, flipped through a couple of magazines, talked to kel online, ate half a pint of haagen-dazs, watched an episode of buffy, and then decided to sleep.
and MAN. i was sprawled on my bed, with the windows open and right under the fan, and yet mere contact with the bed was making me feel sticky and sweaty, meaning that i tossed and turned for a good half hour before i fell asleep. and then i tossed and turned some more in my half-sleep. and during the last hour or so that i was actually properly asleep, i woke up to find one side of me really icky and sweaty. this shirt i'm wearing is made of the thinnest cotton imaginable, it's one of those perfect indian summer things, and yet it's absolutely stifling.
some blog suggested either a 24-hour cold shower or that singapore become a nudist colony. actually i'd pick the former, because i'd probably feel disgusting and sticky even if i were wearing nothing. but 24-hour showers would get boring and you can't do anything in the shower, and it would have to be a shower not a bath because bathwater'd get warm after a while. and having a shower that doesn't last forever is pointless because 10 minutes after the shower you're sweating again. so what's the solution?
which reminds me - at 845 last night my bathroom wall (the one which faces out towards the sun) was really warm - i presume it was from the sun. it was quite weird.
it's double whammy horribleness that my aircon's gone splitsville on me at such an inopportune time. i think it's something to do with the compressor because the ones in my brother's room and the guestroom aren't working either. therefore my mom's getting quotations from aircon companies for a new compressor and the things that are actually in the rooms (i think they're called fancoils, but it looks like a box and not a coil to me so i don't know; maybe it's just a coil inside?) anyway, when price quotations are part of the process i don't fancy the process will get over very fast. so i've got this torture for a while, i expect. i will camp out in my parents' room if they don't fix the situation soon though - theirs is the only bedroom with a working aircon, because they share one compressor with the living room aircons which are hardly ever used except when there are guests, so it never gets spoiled. conspiracy, i tell you. or i'll make them sleep in my room so they will finally understand the dire need. even my brother's room is better because it opens out to the garden, whereas mine opens out to a concretey bit which is currently like a cage because they've put up those wooden stick things (scaffolding! that's the word) in order to paint the building.
so even at night, i'm sleeping on my bed upside-down so that i can be right under the fan, and i've been sleeping with all the covers off, which is very unusual for me because i like to cosy up under the covers normally. i refuse to let the windows be open at night because who knows what insects will fly in and give me additional nightmares, but i've left the door open although it's scary to have it open because the dining room is rather light from the traffic outside, and there are shadows and stuff. but it's sort of ok because sleeping upside down on the bed, i don't face the door. if i don't leave the door open, by morning my room is unbelievably stuffy and stinky. but all the same, last night i couldn't get to sleep till almost 3, it was so sweltering. ok i admit i only went to bed at 2, but i was actually sleepy and yet couldn't get to sleep.
my mom's sadistic. she just called me frantically to see something on tv. it was a thing with this actor rahul bose in it, and he looked really shitty. and i asked why she'd called me, so she said cos she knew i liked rahul bose. and then i said "but he looks horrible there". so she said that was exactly the point, because she'd always found him horrible-looking and she thought this might be a good way to convince me. underhand tactics.
so far the holiday has consisted of this horrible weather that i could go on ranting about for quite a long while, and extreme unproductivity (i blame the weather), and lots of meals out meaning extra fat which doesn't help the situation with the feeling-hot. and yesterday a fitness trainer told my mom that running on concrete is really bad for knees and hips. so my usual pavement run falls entirely in that unhealthy category. i need to figure out a new place to run. maybe i have to go to the gym. i hate running in a gym. it's stuffy and smelly and boring.
sitting in this chair is making my back sticky. fuck.
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