And then today i'm reading about the Cosmetic Executive Women Beauty Awards held last week in New York, and then I come across this in one blogger's recap of the people who attended the show: "Jason Lewis...aka Smith Jerrod...swoonworthy!"
Something clicked in this little brain of mine, and then it sort of exploded. etc are always talking about Rosario and her hot boyfriend, but I can't believe it took me THIS LONG to figure out that he's Smith-freaking-Jerrod. Samantha's Smith. Smith The Hotness-Personified. And it's not like I was unaware that Smith was played by a certain Jason Lewis. It's a fairly generic name, I suppose? But I'm slow all the same. And Rosario is one lucky bitch. And I am regretting deleting all the SATC off my computer, and leaving behind the DVDs in Bangkok. Must. Watch. SATC. Again.
That said, scruffy does not work so well for him.

Eyes still very hot though.
He was beyond swoon-worthy when he shaved his hair off. Not least because he did it for Samantha.
Can't find a bald+cleanshaven picture right now, but there's this

Have I mentioned that now I have to hate Rosario Dawson as a matter of principle?
And I leave you with this:

Another random Sex and the City connection that just occurred to me when I visited the SATC website: Mikhail Baryshnikov, who played The Russian Who Took Carrie Away To Paris (Aleksandr Petrovsky) is the guy Miss Patty referred to, in the Gilmore Girls Season 6 Finale, as "pure sex walking". Interesting, yes?
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