the wonderful delhi girl is apparently coming to singapore on the 23rd. i'm planning to tell her, upon chit's advice, that i'm going to malaysia. or that i'm staying in shirin's house for a while. and in case she decides to pursue me to shirin's, maybe i can convince her that shirin has an aversion to indians. indians from india. and that shirin is a black belt in karate and that shirin has a dog who likes to bite faces. that might be safer than saying i'm off to malaysia, because she's likely to follow me wherever i go.
geez. stupid aparna! *whacks herself upside the head* i'm not going to malaysia. she can follow "me" to malaysia if she likes. where are my brains?!
anyway. considering that this stupid-ass girl said she was catching a flight to pune today, and then told me that she missed the flight, my mom thinks she's just making up stories about coming to singapore. it's weird that she'd just up and come to singapore, considering that when i visited her they didn't have any plans to come. but thank god, she has a cousin here. she hopefully won't invite herself over to stay with me. though the extent to which she'll go to stalk me, is possibly large.
also good news about the 23rd! have tickets to private screening of rotk! so no worries about booking tickets online, picking them up early etc.
i was watching unfaithful just now, uncensored. the sex scenes are really hot. but no, that's not what i watched it for. the movie's pretty good itself. deserves all the acting nods it got that year. but what i noticed was, that a LOT of scenes appear to be unedited. not for sex, but for stuff like those long mikes which they hold up over the actors. there's a name for those mikes that i'm forgetting right now. in several scenes, those things are clearly visible at the top of the screen. i don't think they'd have released the picture like that, so i'm wondering whether i've got some weird unedited version of the movie? it's really strange. i don't think it's an indie film, such that they have no money for editing. it's got richard gere and diane lane.. it's hardly indie-type. i'll maybe go check later which company produced it. but visible hanging mikes in not one, not two, but atleast ten scenes is worth wondering about.
other news: the tapes chit taped for me, turned out superweird. they had some other stuff on them before, right. and the video got erased and the video that chit taped came out perfectly fine, albeit a little grainier than when i record stuff. but the thing is, the sound from whatever was taped earlier, hasn't been completely erased. so at some sudden bits, the sound that you hear is the sound from axn ads, or from episodes of alias, or from whatever. sometimes the sound is even mixed together. sometimes there's no sound at all. there's either something wrong with the tape, which is unlikely because i've used that tape before and it was fine, or there's something up with her vcr. maybe i'll try the other tapes that she made for me, and see if they've got the same problem. i couldn't watch those 24 eps in the end. have to ask daph if she can find her brother's dvds.
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