as usual, it's the holidays and it's almost 2am and i'm going mad. or, actually, i went mad long ago today, i was being high during another one of those group discussions - not that i exactly was very involved in it, being somewhat... distracted. anyway i was being high. like a post-low high. because i was depressed before that. i think i blogged about that.
oh and the sugar rush. my daily dose of chocolate ice-cream. haagen dazs this time, but i've decided that nothing beats ben&jerry's chocolate fudge brownie. ben&jerry's chocolate is slightly more bitter, which i like. next time maybe i'll try the organic or lowfat chocolate ice-cream. see if it's good. i should add their website to my blog. it's a very cool website. (ice-cream, cool, geddit?!) hahahahaha.
i just spent the last 15 minutes or so grooving in the relative darkness, to various weird songs. thriller by jacko, which i just downloaded, and ice ice baby which i also just downloaded. i am very inspired to learn the thriller dance. i was excited that the dance means that jen garner can do the esoteric indian head-shakey thing. or maybe it's not so esoteric, since she can do it, along with, i'm sure, a generation of jacko-loving americans. maybe it's only manjans who can't. boooo. ooh i found some weird pubjabi bhangra fusion number and i put a purple windows media visualisation thing on full screen, turned out all the other lights and danced around my room. okkkkk weird mental image, sorry for the trauma.
i think going to sleep right now is the only thing to save me and the world from insanity. if, of course, the world hasn't reached that particular place yet. i think i'll go jump on my bed for a while first. haven't done that properly in ages. ugh except my head might hit the fan. how scary. ok well switch fan off then, duh. ooohhh schizophrenia here i come.
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