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heh thankfully i don't think we ever exceed the 100-or-so kg allowance my mom has, but i can easily understand exceeding the usual allowance by 50 kg, considering it's (i think) a 20 kg allowance. which is pathetic. i'd wager that one of my suitcases alone is 20 kg. i just packed and shut mine, and it's mightily heavy and even with my fat arse sitting on it, it was pretty hard to close. so i'm hoping i don't have to open it again before reaching bangalore. i stuffed some of the hand luggage in as well, so my hand luggage will be fairly light, yay. (or to see it in a different light, i can stuff more into my hand luggage now.) so as it stands, we have 2 large suitcases and 3 large bags, and that's only check-in. plus my mom's gone out now to buy another bag. but then if it's large enough the plan is to combine two of the other bags into one. something like that. so that it becomes 2 large suitcases and 2 large bags. and then my brother's got a backpack, i've got a bag and a duffel, my mom's got a handbag and a larger travel bag. we don't pack light. to quote lorelai, "packing light is for girls." heh one day i shall get a whole suite of louis vuitton luggage, how cool would that be.
yesterday i typed a long post which refused to publish, but fortunately i've developed the habit of ctrl copying before posting, due to the nature of my long posts and the screwy blog server.
so here it is.
Thought of the day (well actually thought of yesterday): I realised that the word Bangalore is worse than Bangkok. Think about it. Bang-galore vs bang-kok. Ok maybe Bangkok is worse, but Bangalore is bad too. Hahaha. Finally, something fun about the annual trip to India. Atleast it’s fun now, to say “I’m going to Bangalore”.
today i went to borders in the morning and hung around, and then soph came and met me, and we went for princess diaries 2 which was fun but slightly over-the-top. there were sweet bits, but i think the first movie i watched before reading the book, and after reading the books i realised how much they've changed in the movie, so the second movie impressed me less. i don't really understand why they have to change even the names of the people, and make her so old and of marriageable age and everything. plus i guess having it set in genovia was less fun because the san francisco setting was better, somehow. i'm not really sure why. after that went to find wiggy, and got my cds from him. and then finally kelly replied my messages to say that she was in kino, seconds after soph and i passed by kino on the escalator. so we went back to find kel, and then started shopping. i was determined to find soph a nice piece of clothing for her to buy.
zara at taka - boring, because it's all the older clothes which are sometimes pretty but always expensive. but then soph and i tried on trenchcoats and took pictures, which was fun. then we were going to go to the other zara and all the other shops, but my mother called and she was in a horrible mood because my maid and my brother were annoying her completely. my maid as i've mentioned several times, is just plain stupid, and my mom gets frustrated with her and starts yelling at her and then my brother gets pissed off with the yelling and yells at her to get her to stop yelling (which, is it just me or is that a completely nutty way to get someone to calm down?). and then my mom turns on my brother because he's completely annoying and he's got an attitude problem and does he help anybody? he just has a 24/7 xbox-computer-tv-friends habit. sounds like me, but when my mom wants me to help i help. so the moral of the story: my mom wanted me home.
so i had to leave, and help her pack because my maid is completely and utterly and absolutely and totally useless. i swear. she's capable of repeating a mistake 5 times within ten minutes. even when she's told what to do. she'll close a box in the correct sequence (you know the type that you close the big flap and then there's a little flap in the middle that goes into a slot in the big flap so it's extra secure and when you close, you close the big flap first and then put in the little flap, but when you open it's the other way round?) the other day my mom asked her to open a box like that, she tried to pull out the big flap first. of course it doesn't open because the little flap is still holding it in place. so my mom tells her to open the little flap first. and she does. then she tries to close it, wrong sequence, then my mom tells her what to do. a couple of minutes later my mom wants it opened again. she opens it the wrong way again. so my mom tells her how to open it, and just as an experiment asks her to close it. she closes it the right way. when asked to open this again, she again tried to open it the wrong way. my mom tried this four times and everytime she'd close it the right way and try to open it the wrong way. i personally watched this entire episode. i don't know how she manages to do such utterly stupid things.
and then today my mom asked me to supervise the putting away of the disposable cutlery. and i told the maid to bring a plastic bag, the sort that can tie, like cold storage bags, because some of the spoons are currently in the sort of bag that has a hole for carrying, but it can't tie. so she goes to get a bag, and brings back a bag identical to the one the bags are in, the sort that CAN'T tie. so i tell her again, bring a bag that can TIE. so she brings a sandwich bag, one of those tiny bags with the orange plastic string around the top that they serve drinks in in hawker centres. so i tell her, a cold storage type of tying bag. she goes and brings the right kind of bag, but it's tiny. so i send her again, and finally a proper bag arrives. so i can totally understand why my mom starts yelling, given that i was at breaking point with that and my mother is far more hot-tempered than i am.
but then it brings me to a thought similar to what vaish articulated on her last post. am i incapable of understanding "normal" people? i mean, i know that having been consistently in the best programs in the best schools means that i'm not normal, and i know that i'm a snob intellectually and otherwise, like i was discussing today with soph, the fact that i turn my nose up at bata heels and malaysia jeans and so on, but am i really a failed humanities student in the sense that i may be hoity-toitily studying humanities subjects but not understanding anything about humanity at large? because, really, what does a financial crisis mean to me? i've never known one have i? and what does illiteracy mean to me? i don't know anyone who's illiterate. except my maid, maybe. and i'm completely condescending towards her, and i even think she deserves the condescension for having a useless brain. and i know how completely mean that sounds but i just get so annoyed with people who can't understand things the way i do, or who aren't smart or whatever. it's kind of scary how sheltered i am. and despite it, i stubbornly believe in my own opinions. i need something to humble me.
ok i'm too exhausted to contemplate this any further. my back is killing me. this may be my last blog in a loooong while. byee.
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