an amusing little thing that someone told me:
i see ass
u see ass
we see ass
a c s!
Also: because of this religious volley that my blog's being used as a channel for, due to the unfortunate lack of tagboard on the blog that is the subject of so much controversy, I'm going to do a little PR here.
First of all, I'm getting caught in the middle of vitriolic comments that are being hurled back and forth: whether on msn, on the tagboard, in person, or on the phone.
Don't get me wrong, I love controversial debates.
It's just tiring being the messenger, and quite unpleasant being caught in the middle.
If you, the readers of my blog, all love me as you must, you will stop tiring me out like this.
In return, I shall force Kitson to get a tagboard. You can use it to harass him all you like.
But I am no longer going to pass comments along to Kitson, neither am I going to help Kitson to defend himself.
Except for now.
I'm going to be very generous and say that Kitson is in fact a pleasant person (gloat now, Kitty), whom, inexplicably, I find it impossible to hate despite the fact that his opinions are an extreme contrast to mine.
Maybe because he's fun to freak out and he blushes easily.
He would like me to explain that he's got a disclaimer, that his views are Christian, biased and tainted.
He makes no bones about his bigotry. Neither does he try to hide it.
Therefore, do not attack his person or denounce his intelligence.
Similarly I will not allow him to insult his critics (you know who you are) to me.
It's quite acidic in either direction.
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