haha i was just thinking during the movie that zhang ziyi was as exquisite as i imagined hatsumomo to be in memoirs of a geisha - only at the first time chiyo sees the exquisite geisha in the street, after which hatsumomo turns out to be a monster. but still, the most beautiful geisha in gion. anyway i just remembered that zhang ziyi IS acting in memoirs! but they haven't started production yet so exact roles aren't out i think. haha, i wonder if she's hatsumomo. a beautiful antagonist would be most intriguing, especially acted by her. i have a sudden urge to watch all her movies.
EDIT: zhang ziyi's chiyo/sayuri which is the main character. i can't decide if i'm happy or disappointed. i always imagined sayuri as being pretty but not beautiful. hmm. and plus most of the book is set when the girl is very young, so how zz will do that i wonder. ok i will stop obsessing and go do something else now.
EDIT2: some other website says the whole zhang ziyi - geisha thing may just be a rumour. but anyway, ROB MARSHALL is directing it! ie the guy who directed chicago!!! how amazing is that. i can't wait for this movie.
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