god it is such a pain thinking of titles for posts. and i never blog when i'm feeling poetic or eloquent or anything, so i can never think of something title-ish. ugh. lack of eloquence, see.
daph just came over to bring back my alias dvds and transfer my season 3 to her portable hard drive so she can watch. she's apparently getting season 2 dvds from some dvd pirate from malaysia who's got some ultra-cool operation that involves him not knowing the customer's name, so if he gets caught in customs it's his own problem. and then he and daph's mum meet in some clandestine location and exchange packages. it's like something out of a movie! haha. except completely harmless. although perhaps slightly harmful to disney or something, but who cares. disney is The Man. The Man should be fought. Although fighting this particular Man might harm one of my favourite shows, so actually I should not be encouraging this transaction. What the hell.
i've finished my second pint of haagen dazs in probably a week. this is not good. i have a zit on my cheek. oh chit's got a really cool body shop exfoliating scrub thing that makes your face super-smooth. if only it erased zits. anyway sleepover was fun. we watched about 6 episodes of alias before daph had to leave at about 1245, meaning she watched the finale on her own. which is really really sad because that's the best episode, and basically it means that until the next time i decide to introduce alias to someone, which will definitely be after promos, i won't be watching that ep. because i have to study and shit.
my brother is really annoying. really really annoying. and NOT cute.
ugh the rest of the stuff was typed half an hour ago before my mother called me to go and clear some magazines or something. and now i'm sleepy and bored and can't be bothered to finish blogging.
and this post was supposed to be catching up on the past few days of non-bloggingness. oh well. and shoojee etc are going for choirboys tomorrow evening and i can't make it cos of stupid academy day rehearsal. the first i'll be going for this year, really. i skipped all the rest and then my teacher told me that the principal said that whoever doesn't come for the next few rehearsals will be kicked out. sigh. ok anyway it'll be over by sunday, and the whole thing is shitty anyway cos i'm not dancing. which i feel very sad about - my teacher would've asked me, if only i'd been actualyl going for classes during the time that dance rehearsals began. meaning that i'll never dance at a fine arts academy day again, unless next year i become a nerd and study the whole year through so that around this time i can dance for academy day instead of mugging for prelims or something. and the year after, i'll be going off to university. but then again university terms start slightly later than this, so perhaps i can dance just before going off. that'll be quite fun.
ok i was supposed to be sick of blogging. hmm.
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